Sunday, May 28, 2006
For Fun
Current mood: A little sad to be leaving Abilene for 6 weeks
9 lasts
last place you were: movies
last soda: Coke
last beverage: Nestea
last kiss: never
last movie seen: X-Men 3
last CD played: INXS-Switch
last bubble bath: Christmas at home
last time you cried: today watching The Patriot-the scene where Mel Gibson's little girl tells him not to go
-----------8 have you evers.
have you ever dated someone twice: nope
have you ever been cheated on: not really
have you ever kissed somebody and regretted it: see above
have you ever fallen in love: not yet
have you ever been depressed: yes
have you ever hit another person: yes
------------7 states you've been to:
1. Iowa
2. Indiana
3. Michigan
4. Minnesota
5. Wisconsin
6. Florida
-------------6 things you've done today.
1. Took a shower
2. Laundry
3. Did some homework
4. Talked to my best friend
5. Watched a thunderstorm
6. Spent time with friends
--------------5 favorite things: no special order
1. Possibility
2. Friends
3. Joe
4. Mom
5. Watching a storm roll in and smelling the rain
---------------4 people you can tell anything to.
1. Jeremy
2. Fetz
3. Ma
4. Joe
----------------3 things you wish you had.
1. Financial discipline
2. 15 min face to face with God
3. Courage
-----------------2 things you want to do before you die
1. Visit Wrigley Field
2. Find a place to call home
------------------1 thing you regret
1. Williams Hall.............and the Cove.
Friday, May 26, 2006

I have to confess that I have been struggling with motivation when it comes to finishing my Masters degree. I am enrolled in two classes right now (which may not seem like a lot but it is double the workload that I normally have) and I am dreadfully behind in one of the classes=Finance. I have no idea if I will even pass the class which would mean more expense and could delay my graduation until December instead of August. Why can't I seem to find the motivation to finish? Why do my grades and learning not matter as much anymore? Where and when did I lose my desire to excel in my academics? Coming into my last 2 classes, I was carrying a 3.95 GPA and now that has taken a hit as I have had to retake a class and may now have to retake Finance (anything lower than a C equals a failing grade at the Masters level). Why can't I find the courage and dedication to finish the race?!?
***I posted this picture because two of McMurry's track athletes are performing really well and this guy, Han Ollison-who lived in my hall this year, has a chance to be a national champion in 4 different events!!! I am really proud of him! Check out his results here.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Last night, the Toronto Raptors secured the 1st pick in the 2006 NBA draft. Now, while I wholeheartedly believe that college hoops are SOOOOOO much more fun to watch, I like to have fun with trying to predict where some of these players that I have watched over the last couple of years will go. It is also interesting to see if you favorite team can fill some needs and get back to the playoffs or even to the Championship (A quick thank you to the Mavericks for ridding us of the boredom of watching Tim Duncan whine his way to another title!)
Anyway, who will it be? Who will go #1?!?
LaMarcus Aldridge?

Tyrus Thomas?

Adam Morrison?

Or Andrea Bargnani from Italy?!?

The concensus (today) is that the Raptors will go with Bargnani because their GM, Brian Colangelo, knows him well and would feel comfortable with taking the risk-seeing that Bargnani could be the next Dirk Nowitski.
I want to know what you think! THINK YOU KNOW COLLEGE BASKETBALL?!? Go to and try their DRAFT MACHINE to see how you stack up against the experts.
You can also see how I did by going here.
Monday, May 22, 2006
Air Show

I had an amazing day today. The weather down here in Abilene was amazing (Clear Blue Skies and around 95 degrees) but today was special because it was Abilene Appreciation Day at Dyess Air Force Base and I got to see the Fabulous Thunderbirds airshow (,!
I had enjoyed church in the morning, as I usually do, and we have been studying Philippians for the last few months now and the main theme for today was Phil. 3:12-14:
Pressing on Toward the Goal
"12Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. 13Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."
I was struck with the reality during the sermon that I too often let those things-sins-of my past chain me to that life instead of embracing the grace, forgiveness, and NEW life that Christ has offered to me. I never seem to want to accept that God can forgive me when I can't seem to forgive myself. I have to learn to forget what is behind and press on....otherwise I will be of no use to myself, God, or anyone else.
I say that this was the theme because I was confronted with this singular focus that Paul must have had as I watched the Thunderbirds perform. If you haven't ever seen them I would highly recommend it. They do some amazing things and maneuver within feet of each other because they are focused on the task at had, and the goal of precision is what drives them. I encourage us all to think about what is important in our own lives as we remember our service men and women who hold the line and tell those who would steal our freedoms and security, "Not on my watch" and they pay for those freedoms with their lives. I have a friend who is getting deployed to Kuwait on June 1st=for me the sacrifice on the military just became real.
I am proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free and I won't forget the men who died who gave that right to me...
I also need to remember the goal of living for Christ and learning to forgive myself.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The past couple of weeks have definitely been a roller coaster as we prepare for the end of the school year. Tuesday is officially "Dead Day" at McMurry where there is nothing scheduled on campus the day before Finals start so that students can finish up projects, papers, or in some cases, community service. I find myself reflecting on this year as I will be saying goodbye to some of my students.
At this time last year, I was struggling with direction and focus at White's in Wabash, Indiana because the management had taken a different direction and I felt in my heart that it was time for me to move on. It was a hard decision because even though my heart has never left collegiate ministry, there were a few students that I would be leaving behind that I still cared about. If there is one thing that has been reinforced by God this year, it's that He is always with me, every step of the way. All of the concerns that I had about my students, and my own direction for that matter, were answered. The one student that I was really worried about ended up getting placed in foster care will one of my best friends and his wife, who are some of the greatest, most loving people to set foot on God's earth. I am excited because they will love and care for this kid in a way that he has never had but deserves.
I also had most of my prayer needs answered once I got to Texas as well. I interviewed all over the country, having campus visits in Florida and Minnesota, as well as phone interviews in Mississippi, Massachusetts, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, California, Oregon, and Washington state! Once I got down here, I realized that I had never really committed to any of my 'stops' along the way because I seemed to always be looking to the next move or the next opportunity. Some of the things that I prayed for when I got down here was to find a quality church home that I could worship in that challenged me and motivated me to live out my faith. I wanted to be able to make friendships that would nurture me and provide that fellowship that I needed. I really wanted to try to find a home. I didn't want to keep looking back to Iowa and not living in Texas. I have found all of that. I have not felt this connected and excited about church since I was in youth group back in Iowa when I first became a Christian. I feel welcomed and challenged to get out of my chair and live for God all at the same time. I am involved in a Home Team Bible study on Tuesday nights that I really enjoy being a part of, with a group of people that I enjoy getting together with and enjoying their friendships. I truly feel blessed and encouraged to be included in their lives.
I also have this little thing called the RD job that I do here at McMurry which I will talk about tomorrow..............