Today was a fun day for me. I have been spending most of the last week hanging out with my dad and family here in Cedar Falls, Iowa. One of the things that we made sure to plan this year was some kind of day trip. We had talked about different things like Canoeing, Movies, and other things but we really wanted to try to do something that was uniquely Iowa as well as a special experience for the both of us. We found it.

Today, my dad and I made the two hour treck to the Field of Dreams movie site in Dyersville, Iowa. I had watched the movie in preparation for our quest and it did not disappoint. Now I know that some of you may think=
"What's the big deal? It's just a baseball field, right?!?" To think this way is an indictment on the state of America today. To take from the movie, "Baseball has stood the test of time. Baseball is what has spanned the generations." Plus, I LOVE the movie. There was something spiritual about sitting on top of the bleachers along the first base line with my dad; Walking out to left field where Shoeless Joe Jackson had patrolled during the film; it was great for me and my dad to pose at home plate, bat in hand, as if we were ready to take a shot and wink at the picture just before our triumphant moment in the sun. It was an experience that I will take with me and treasure for the rest of my life. I hope that I will be able to go again someday and will definitely take the time to take my kids if I am blessed.

We also went on up the road to Dubuque, Iowa to the National Mississippi River Museum and Aquarium. We spent almost 4 hours exploring the grounds and what an amazing time we had here as well! It was fun to go through and learn about the great river, its history and its animal life. We also got to learn about some of the riverboat history and got to walk through and interact with a dredging boat that

helps to maintain the speed and efficiency of the Mississippi. I, of course, picked up souvenirs from all of these places and look forward to sharing pictures.
Next on the list: Superman Returns, Friday at the IMAX theater in Cedar Rapids, Iowa and then on to Fourth of July happenings with my mom's side of the family.
Mom, my beloved sister, and I were going to do that when we were visiting my beloved sister in Marion, IA in may (I think that's near Cedar Rapids.)
I guess I'm a little jelous that you got to do it with your dad. But I'm glad you had a good time with your dad.
End of April through the 1st of May. My beloved sister lives in Marion now
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