Never pay back evil to anyone. Do things in such a way that everyone can see you are honorable. Do your part to live in peace with everyone, as much as possible. Dear friends, never avenge yourselves. Leave that to God. For it is written, "I will take vengeance; I will repay those who deserve it," says the Lord.
Romans 12:17-19 NLT
It has been an interesting couple of days for me as students began returning to campus over the weekend and then began classes on Monday. We had just finished RA training and I felt pretty good about the team chemistry that we were able to create. I had had some mini-successes with addressing some areas of concern for my RA staff and things were going along pretty well....until Sunday. For some reason one of my RA's has made it her mission in life to bust my chops. And apparently, she doesn't see how some of the things that she is trying to "help" me with are the very same gripes that she and the other RA's were just complaining about. I apparently made the mistake of sharing that I had been looking around at other people here at McMurry who are in the same job description as I am and aren't doing near the same amount of work as I am BUT are getting paid the same. I don't normally do that but, like I said, I have had a rough couple of days.
Why do we as people do that? Why do we look around and want equal treatment? Why is it so important that I feel like I need to be doing LESS?!? Isn't that really what I am saying? Do I really want them to be doing more or do I really want ME to be allowed to do less?
I receive an email every day entitled God's Daily Promises and it is once again a testament to God's timing that today's message was exactly what I needed to hear today. If things really were equal I would be going straight to HELL.
Here is an exerpt:
In our cry for fairness, we should not forget the frightening consequences of justice. As sinners, God could justly destroy each of us today for missing the mark of perfection. When we remember that God's patience and mercy block his judgment towards us, we will more likely show others patience and mercy.
WISE WAYS Before you rush to judge another person, ask yourself whether you would be able to endure the same standard.
Today, Lord, give me strength to replace judgment with mercy.
Now, I still really have no idea what to say about my RA-probably because I have never really had any answers for women-but I do know that my attitude and perspective were off center and the only thing that I need to be frustrated about is the fact that God has given me enough experiences in my life that I should know better than to lose focus or hope. I know that life isn't fair and I am SOOOO thankful for that because Jesus paid the price for me!
Have a Great Day!!!
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