I spent a significant portion of my day today reflecting upon life, its direction, and how various things, like friends. have affected the way my life is playing itself out.
Without friendships in my life, I wouldn't have a concept of Jesus and His love for me. I wouldn't have nearly as many laugh lines that are sure to form around my face as I get old(er). I also wouldn't have the people now to lean on in my times of trouble or doubt.
It was during a discussion today with one of my most cherished friends as we were lamenting about the absence of some of our oldest friends in our lives that it hit me: God really does provide for me the things that I need. Even as I struggle with trying to pursue God's direction for my life down here in Texas-God honors that effort. The will to be greater than we are for HIM is what is the most honoring thing to God. It is the heart of that great book, The Ragamuffin Gospel: We have to be willing to learn from our mistakes and lean upon God's Mercy in our darkest hour. This truth is at the heart of many of our most quoted Christian posters and themes="It was during your times of struggle that I carried you" and yet we seem to forget during those very times when we struggle to see above the water.
"It is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest seed you plant in the ground." Mark 4:31
I know that it is hard during those times of struggle and strife to keep your eye on the Son but He has been there for us before and we need the faith to believe that He will continue to be there for us now! There is always hope just beyond the horizon because we already have the victory!
Good post
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