Thursday, March 29, 2012

19 Years is a long time....

It is always so interesting to me how I seem to frame my life around signature events...

Nieces & Nephews & Siblings Birthdays; First dates & Wedding Anniversary!; New Jobs & Special Trips/Vacations...

As I grow older, I hope that the amazing blessings that I have received, and continue to receive, will become those 'lynch pin' moments-but unfortunately, there are some negative ones as well.

Today is the 19th anniversary of when Tricia Reitler was taken from the Indiana Wesleyan campus. It is still a happening that haunts me. I interact with college students every day and I rejoice at their hope & promise, while lamenting over lost opportunities for people that we've lost so tragically along the way like Tricia.

There have been happenings in recent years to offer hope of a final resolution to the mystery of her disappearance but they disappear just as quickly and leave a numbing ache behind.

As much as I long for resolution for Tricia and her family, I am thankful for the lessons that I am reminded of every year at this time:

*Value life and all of its opportunities and blessings.

*Appreciate the joys and gifts that family brings into your life.

*Never miss an opportunity to sit down with a child and teach them about life and love.

Thank you Tricia for the impact that you left on this world and the ways that you continue to teach as we move forward.

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